Library of all reference lists from past assessments
The ABS Continuous Certification Program is designed to provide flexible, high-quality, practice-relevant learning and assessment to support surgeons in their practice as they maintain their ABS board certification.
Each year, the ABS will list new reference materials to allow you to hone in on the areas that you should be aware of for the assessment. References are provided for transparency about the sources that support the development of the assessment. The references reflect that the assessments primarily focus on important evidence-based recent updates to surgical practice. Diplomates are neither required nor expected to read all of these references before or during the completion of the assessment.
As of 2022, the ABS provides a single reference list for each assessment or module. Each reference list includes all references used for each specialty or module with a single key reference for each topic, including those which explain why the wrong answers are incorrect. References that are available open-source are indicated. Diplomates may choose to refer to these lists either before or during the assessment.
Please note that the ABS provides as many open-access articles to our diplomates as possible. While you are completing your assessment, many Key References will have a direct link to an article PDF purchased by the ABS and available within the exam platform. Due to limited permissions, we cannot provide links to article PDFs on these reference documents, as it is not hosted on a secure browser. Article links on this document will take you to the journal page (website). We cannot guarantee that all article links will be open access.
The ABS would like to thank and recognize the journals who have partnered with us to provide high-quality reference material in support of our Continuous Certification Assessment.
New reference lists are posted on the ABS website each year prior to the start of the assessment window. Below, please find a catalog of all reference lists used in previous years. If you are reviewing references for this year's Continuous Certification Assessment, please make sure you are using the materials from this year. References change from year to year and reviewing references from previous assessments will not aid you on this year's assessment.