
Hospice & Palliative Medicine Recertification

  • Beginning in 2022, ABS diplomates currently certified in Hospice and Palliative Medicine (HPM) will maintain their certification through the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). Diplomates will no longer maintain their HPM certificate through the ABS.

Why is this change happening?

  • Maintaining HPM certification through ABIM will enhance the HPM continuing certification process for diplomates and assist them in maintaining a high level of knowledge, judgment, and skills in HPM.
  • The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) approved the ABS, along with the American Board of Gynecology (ABOG), American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ABPMR), American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN), and American Board of Radiology (ABR), to move from co-sponsoring boards to qualifying boards in HPM. This means that all HPM continuing certification standards and activities will move from these boards to ABIM.

How will I transition to ABIM for HPM certification?

  • Diplomates with an HPM certification will be able to register with ABIM via ABIM’s physician portal. ABIM will email instructions prior to December 1, 2021 to all ABS diplomates with a current HPM certification regarding portal registration. After registering in the physician portal, diplomates will be able to select the option of either maintaining HPM certification or allowing it to expire.

Do I need to complete ABS' recertification program in 2021 to retain my HPM certificate by 12/31/21?

  • Yes, diplomates with an HPM certification must complete ABS recertification requirements in 2021 to maintain their HPM certification.

Will I still be certified by ABS?

  • Diplomates will be certified by the ABIM in HPM. Diplomates can continue to maintain their general surgery certification or other ABS subspecialty certification(s) as long as they continue to participate and meet all requirements of the ABS Continuous Certification Program. It is the diplomate’s choice whether to maintain said certifications or allow them to expire.
  • Note: Because ABS is no longer offering HPM as an ABS specialty, diplomates' certification status for HPM will no longer appear on the ABS website or verification of credentials. To access the verification of credentials tool for ABIM, please visit the ABIM website, or see the ABMS website www.certificationmatters.org.

Will I need to participate in continuing certification programs with both boards if I also choose to maintain a certification with my original board?

  • Yes. To maintain ABS certification, diplomates must participate in the ABS Continuous Certification Program and complete all ongoing requirements when due. ABIM does have a reciprocity policy to help streamline continuing certification requirements. ABIM diplomates who are dual boarded by one or more of the other ABMS Member Boards can have the ABIM MOC points requirement waived.
  • Diplomates who are eligible to receive this reciprocal credit will see a feature box at the bottom of the ABIM Physician Portal. They can click on the feature to attest to being currently certified by and participating in the other board's continuing certification program.
  • Diplomates still need to meet other ABIM MOC requirements: maintaining a valid, unrestricted, and unchallenged medical license, passing a secure ABIM MOC assessment, and meeting any other ABIM-specific subspecialty procedural requirements.
  • ABIM will email all pertinent details to diplomates who want to maintain their HPM certificate. Diplomates should check their email inbox regularly to stay informed by ABIM. Learn more about ABIM’s MOC program. Diplomates may also email request@abim.org or call 1-800-441-ABIM for information.

How much will it cost to maintain my HPM certification with ABIM?

  • Newly transitioned HPM diplomates will become ABIM diplomates and will therefore follow ABIM’s fee schedule. (A) Starting January 1, 2022, the annual ABIM MOC fee for the first certificate a physician is maintaining will be $220. Each additional certificate will be $120 annually and (B) The traditional, 10-year MOC exam fee will be $700. Learn more about ABIM’s 2022 fee structure.

Who can I contact at ABIM if I have additional questions or need assistance with HPM enrollment, fees, or other HPM-related matters?
