The Surgical Council on Resident Education (SCORE®) was formed in 2006 as a nonprofit consortium by the principal organizations involved in U.S. surgical education. In fall 2019, SCORE merged with the ABS.
In addition to the ABS, the member organizations of SCORE included:
American College of Surgeons
American Surgical Association
Association of Program Directors in Surgery
Association for Surgical Education
Review Committee for Surgery of the ACGME
Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
Current partner organizations of SCORE include:
Association of Program Directors in Surgery
Society of Surgical Oncology
Surgical Critical Care Program Directors Society
Association of Pediatric Surgery Training Program Directors
SCORE's mission is to improve the education of residents in general surgery and related specialties through the development of a national curriculum. SCORE's primary feature, the SCORE Portal, delivers educational content aligned with the curriculum to residents, fellows and training programs. Many ABS examinations, such as the ABSITE and the General Surgery Qualifying Exam, include content that is aligned with SCORE's curriculum in order to streamline the learning experience.
The SCORE Curriculum is designed to define the various surgical specialties and provide greater assurance that residents and fellowship trainees are receiving sufficient training in all areas. In addition to the original SCORE Curriculum for General Surgery, SCORE's offerings have grown to include curriculums for the ABS specialties of vascular surgery, pediatric surgery surgical oncology, and surgical critical care, as well as a curriculum for oral and maxillofacial surgery.
The SCORE Curriculum for General Surgery focuses on the five years of progressive education and training that constitute general surgery residency in the U.S., after medical school but prior to independent practice, and has been developed in accordance with the six competencies expected of a graduating resident: patient care; medical knowledge; professionalism; interpersonal and communication skills; practice-based learning; and systems-based practice. The SCORE curriculums for the other surgical specialties include topics to be covered in the years of training following residency.