How to Apply - Vascular Surgery QE
- The online application process for the Vascular Surgery Qualifying Exam (VSQE) is posted each year by mid-May. A notice will be posted on the homepage at that time.
- Applicants are encouraged to begin the application process as early as possible. If you do not complete the application process, any materials or fees submitted cannot be carried over to another year.
- Exam accommodations: Please notify the ABS office at the time of application to the VSQE if you will need testing accommodations at the center due to learning disabilities by formerly submitting your request per our Examination of Persons with Disabilities policy.
- In addition, if you are a nursing mother, or if you have a medical condition such as injury or diabetes, etc., please inform the ABS at the time of application if you will need accommodations, such as additional break time during the exam, by submitting your request per our Examination Accommodations policy. Requests should be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the applicant’s exam date. Pearson VUE has specific designated centers that are able to offer such accommodations, and these locations fill up on a first come, first served basis. ABS will work with Pearson VUE to make appropriate arrangements.
Items Required
- As a reminder, graduates of independent (5+2) and ESP (4+2) pathways must first have an approved application to the General Surgery QE, meeting all application requirements, before access to the Vascular Surgery QE will be provided.
- Once the online application process is available, applicants are required submit the following:
1) Application Form
- This form covers information regarding your undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate medical education. For your vascular surgery training, you must list chronologically all rotations and activities from the beginning of training. Each rotation must be listed separately by clinical activity, not grouped together as a yearly total.
- You must also list all time away from training of two days or more, including time taken for research, vacation, interviews, meetings, medical leave, visa issues, etc., outside your normally scheduled days off.
2) Operative Experience Report
- All cases cited must be from your fellowship. Upload a copy of your ACGME Defined Category and Minimum Report (preferred) or the ACGME Experience Report by Role via the ABS website.
Operative logs uploaded prior to meeting the required cases numbers will be deleted and a note regarding its deficiencies will be posted to the applicant’s portal. Applicants are responsible for monitoring their portal and uploading the case log meeting all case requirements.
- Note: Applicants who completed an integrated vascular surgery program must also upload an operative report covering their core surgery experience.
3) Signature Form - signed electronically by you
- Review, sign and date the attestation online. Approval of your application is contingent upon approval from your program director, who will be contacted separately.
- Note: To avoid the late fee, the signature form must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. ET on the deadline date.
4) Nonrefundable Application Fee - paid by credit card via the ABS website
- Submit your credit card payment (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover) where indicated; a completed application form must be submitted first. A separate exam fee will also be required once your application is approved.
- Note: The total application fee due will be based on when the application fee is paid. To avoid the late fee, payment of the application bee must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. ET on the deadline date.
5) Documentation of ACLS, ATLS, and RPVI
- Upload PDF versions of certificates showing that certification in each of these programs was successfully achieved (NOT the CME certificate, but the certification itself). For ATLS, a history report is not acceptable documentation. Applicants do not need to be currently certified in these programs; they must only provide documentation of past certification.
Application Approval
Once all materials are received, your application will be reviewed by ABS staff. You will be notified via email when your application has been approved. All applicants are responsible for monitoring their application status via their portal to see whether items are missing or incorrect. Please check the status of your application in the ABS portal periodically, and please keep your contact information current.
If you have questions, please refer to our FAQs section. For questions not covered in the FAQs, send an email to the exam coordinator.