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Public Comment on Surgical Critical Care Test Blueprint through August 14

Jul. 26, 2023 Media Contact: Alyson Maloney, 215-568-4000

The Trauma, Burns and Surgical Critical Care Board (TBSCCB) of the American Board of Surgery (ABS) recently undertook efforts to review and revise the test blueprint for the Surgical Critical Care (SCC) Certifying Exam (CE). A test blueprint is a document that defines the content to be tested on an exam, and it is important to periodically review and revise these documents so that they accurately reflect current practice and training.

To ensure that the test blueprint aligns with the knowledge and skills required of practicing SCC surgeons, we invite you to review and provide feedback on the draft document. If you would like to comment on this document, please follow the steps below. Your feedback will be used to inform further revisions to the blueprint.

To provide feedback:

  1. Review the full blueprint document.
  2. Complete and submit the form below by August 14, 2023.

Note: Blueprint document link and comment form have been removed, as the public comment period closed on August 14.
