Essentials of General Surgery
Residency training in general surgery requires experience in all of the following content areas:
- Alimentary Tract (including Bariatric Surgery)
- Abdomen and its Contents
- Breast, Skin and Soft Tissue
- Endocrine System
- Solid Organ Transplantation
- Pediatric Surgery
- Surgical Critical Care
- Surgical Oncology (including Head and Neck Surgery)
- Trauma and Emergency Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
- Additional expected knowledge and experience in the above areas includes:
- Technical proficiency in the performance of core operations/procedures in the above areas, plus knowledge, familiarity and in some cases technical proficiency with more uncommon and complex operations in each of the above areas.
- Clinical knowledge, including epidemiology, anatomy, physiology, clinical presentation, and pathology (including neoplasia) of surgical conditions.
- Knowledge of anaesthesia; biostatistics and evaluation of evidence; principles of minimally invasive surgery; and transfusion and disorders of coagulation.
- Knowledge of wound healing; infection; fluid management; shock and resuscitation; immunology; antibiotic usage; metabolism; management of postoperative pain; and use of enteral and parenteral nutrition.
- Experience and skill in the following areas: clinical evaluation and management, or stabilization and referral, of patients with surgical diseases; management of preoperative, operative and postoperative care; management of comorbidities and complications; and knowledge of appropriate use and interpretation of radiologic and other diagnostic imaging.
Posted: February 2017